The Guy next door

The story goes like this...There was a man who lived in a neighborhood that didn't really know his neighbors. Yet, the neighbors always went out of their way to give him a gift on his birthday and holidays. The man never really said much and went on his way and kept to himself. Year after year this continued. One day they neighbors saw the family at his house cleaning it out. The man had passed away! They told the story of how the basement was filled with beautiful gifts wrapped with beautiful ribbons etc. The packages were never opened and collected dust.

Today you need to realize that the universe and those in it want to reach out to YOU with a gift. Open the GIFT!!! BE THE GIFT FOR OTHERS! Do NOT put it aside. There is so much joy, love and energy waiting for you today. Regardless of your situation, a grateful heart will ALWAYS see you through!


Throw out the anchor

