What do you think of when you hear the word Icebox? Most people think of a refrigerator or a freezer. “I.C.E.” is the universal code for “In Case of Emergency” If your your family had an important life event and needed to access documents quickly, what would you do? We feel that having our coaching clients organized and secure will give them the peace of mind and confidence they deserve to enjoy a better life.

Are you prepared for life when it happens?
— Craig A. Sutherland, RFC®

ICEBOX consists of four three ring, hard snap binders. Dust proof and sturdy for secure and clean storage, mobility, and organization. They address Banking and Investments, Insurance and Estate, Medical Information, and other Important Documents specific to you. The benefit to our clientele is an easily understood system and product that simplifies and clarifies their lives. Real Product! Real Results! Real Wealth!

Included in your ICEBOX is a checklist that helps to act as a starting point to begin your organization. It has been our experience that certain documents are overlooked or missed. This checklist acts as a powerful guide to ensure what matters the most to you is addressed.

A Real Wealth process is constantly evolving. You must evolve with it. The ones who are diligent for themselves and their families, can create security that means more than they will ever know.
— Craig A. Sutherland, RFC®