Platform of Services

We may provide to you the following services shown below according to our exclusive Wellness Agreement by our Coaches and Consultants. Additional services may be required to tailor to your specific needs.

  • Initial Fact-Finding process, including full documentation of current situation

  • 4 consultations per year either in person, phone, or other electronic means (typically quarterly)

  • Review of current life situation and discussion for constructing your base

  • Current and future tax review, agenda items, and observations

  • Risk analysis of life, health, disability, long-term care insurance

  • Risk analysis of current portfolio specifically and in aggregation

  • Initial 5-point goal setting with implementation strategy

  • Accountability follow through of your Real Wealth optimization

  • 90-day Checkups and resets

  • Cash flow and budget review, analysis and agenda items

  • Estate, wealth transfer plan review, and trust evaluation

  • Wealth Wheel Blueprint

  • Bigger Future Roadmap connecting Mindset

Conceptual Solutions LTD. does not charge an asset-based fee. Compensation to the Coaches and Consultants are a flat ongoing fee based on the frequency of the client’s choice. We feel the fees should be transparent, upfront and mutually agreed upon. The Coaches and Consultants agree to maintain a high standard of professionalism, execution, and high moral standards when communicating and performing services.