II am often asked “WHY”? Why do you do this or why do you do that. Here is my “WHY” and the reason for it.

I want to ask you a question about the picture. Is the glass half empty or is it half full. People have debated that question for centuries both literally, figuratively, spiritually, and emotionally. What if I told you that neither of the answers is correct. You see, the glass is 100% full. It is half full of water and half filled with air. In fact, the cup is overflowing with air. Nothing about you is ever half anything!

It took me years and years of living, failing, getting back up and figuring it out. W.Y.W.Y. stand for “Would You Will You”. This is not in question format of are you capable. No. It means If you could, would you want to “will” your life and everything you have experienced to someone else. Not just your tangible possessions, but the joys, highs, lows, experiences etc. Think about it. What are you doing all this for.

In my 3 decades of wealth creation, management, and implementation, there has always been a missing component in the industry. What is it you ask? A real relationship where your interest is not soley on managing a person’s portfolio, but also to see the results of absorbing their stress that allows people to grow in ways that are truly priceless.

I have seen people debate and argue about firms, insurance companies, Broker Dealers, RIA’s and other facilities. I have heard the basis of commission versus fee based, technology versus paper, solo practices versus conglomerates. But rarely do you ever hear about a person’s life that was impacted by a money manager that didn’t involve money. Oh sure, money management is critical for many aspects of your life. But is your legacy things or things that money managers and portfolios can never buy! What if you learn how to compound your total wealth holistically through authentic Coaching and Consulting.

My “WHY” is intentional on pairing physical tangible wealth to the discovery of a person’s Real Wealth. Can you have your cake and eat it to? Yes! Why? Because as previously mentioned, we were created to be full and overflow. The majority of people in this world will never understand that. However, those who choose to, will live a life that they will want to “WILL” to everyone. THAT is “WHY” I created this company and our services. We become great by investing in your unique greatness. Money clarity that captures confidence and momentum in ALL aspects of your daily routine. I have never met a lazy lucky man. We want to make today YOUR DAY. When someone asks you W.Y.W.Y, won’t is be reassuring when you smile with confidence and say YES! We take pride in being a part of your “WHY” and are humbled to have this opportunity.