*We must understand the key, which is the Law of ALIGNED Attraction. It’s about aligning every part of you. Your thoughts, beliefs, and what you truly want. Understanding these critical laws will allow you to powerfully structure and capture REAL WEALTH by taking bold action with no limit thinking.
1) The Law of Attraction: Whatever you throw out it comes back. However, you cannot send a desire but have internal conflict. The universe doesn’t just hear your words, it FEELS you as well. Align your emotions with the desire. Picture yourself having already obtained it. Focus on positive emotions and visualization. What you focus on expands. What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.
2) The Law of Deliberate Creation: We have the power to create whatever we want. Concentrate on what you truly want. Feel the happiness you have created. Do not focus on lack. You are the creator of your reality. The first step of creating reality is to watch your words. By changing your language you speak, you can change what you attract in your life.
3) The Law of Allowing: It’s about letting life flow naturally. By nature, people resist what they truly want because of their fear or their past experiences. (i.e. love and breakups) That fear blocks what is wanting to come into your life. Acknowledge where in your life you are blocking, then gently release it. Trust what is coming to you in perfect timing. Let go of control. It creates space for new things to come in.
4) The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance. This is VITAL! It’s about feeling content with what you have while being excited and open for more. Picture three buckets (Lack, Sufficiency, and Abundance.). Lack feels bad. Sufficiency feels “ok”. Abundance feels AMAZING. Most people want to jump from lack to abundance which is hard to do. Focus on what you have now and what is working. Acknowledge it. This will help align yourself with positive energy. This law teaches that abundance isn’t about acquiring more but tuning into the abundance all around you. When you feel enough, you invite more good things into your life. Shift your focus from what’s missing to what’s present. Abundance it not something we acquire; it’s something we tune into.
5) The Law of Pure Potentiality.” Limitless” possibilities. A field of infinite energy. This allows you to tap into your creative energy. Its about believing that ANYTHING is possible and unexpected opportunities enter your life. To harness this law, quiet your mind and listen to your intuition. Let your imagination soar.
6) Law of Detachment: Detachment is about letting go of how and when things will happen. When you set goals, focus on the feelings they bring, not the specifics of how they unfold. Holding on too tightly can block the flow of opportunities. Detachment doesn’t mean giving up. It means trusting the process and being open to different paths to your goals.
7) Law of Polarity: The universe has an opposite (hot/cold, up/down) It means if you see something you don’t want, it means there is a solution for every problem. If you focus on lack, remember abundance is also present. Shifting focus to what you want will change your energy and align towards the positive. Understanding that polarity exists, you realize that challenges are temporary. This mindset shift can bring about powerful changes in your life. In every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater benefit.