“What do you do??”

"What do you do??" How many times have you been asked that in social environments? Experts tell you that you need an "elevator pitch" that conveys WHAT you do in 10 seconds etc. Really? That question is THE most asked question with hardly ANY sincerity. It is a common phrase n you have nothing else to ask or you don’t really have any interest. Is "WHAT" you do really "WHO" you are???

What if you incorporated a response that asks, "WHY do you do what you do and is it fulfilling?". If relationships are built on effective communication, then you need to get to the "why" people do what they do. Interestingly enough, by asking the right questions and allowing for proper responses, you will discover MUCH more about people and vice versa. By opening the right door to showcase your uniqueness, others will be attracted to you because they WANT to discover you. You are more than a 10 second elevator pitch. Learn that, understand that and be different. Why? Because you ARE!!!




Marry Me!!!!!