Don’t look back!!

How true is this picture for many of you! You continually look in the rear-view mirror when your eyes need to be on the road ahead of you. The objects ARE closer than you think because you choose to carry them with you into the future. Why don't you focus on forward looking activities? Your past is over! Hence why they call it "the past". It's natural to think about past failures, hurdles, and experiences and somehow, we think by carrying that into your future plans it will somehow self-correct. It won't! YOU create your future by creating your "today".

To move forward, we must mature in our approach and execution in the here and now. Tomorrow hasn't happened, so why stress about it. Yesterday is over so there no need to stress about it either. Focus on today because the opportunities are right in front of you. Be bold and trust in your gifts to develop the best version of yourself now. Eyes forward and anticipate great things to come!


Stop and smell the roses!


Knock Knock!!