Failing or Failure?

This is a critical post that you need to read and absorb. Let this one marinade inside for a while.

There are WAY too many people in this world who think failing and being a failure are the same. THEY ARE NOT and you need to understand the difference! Every single one of us was created equal and desire a wonderful life. However, due to self-inflicted circumstances and circumstances beyond our control we develop a condition for ourselves based on outcomes. You will not achieve every single goal in your life you set out to do. That is fact. You can and WILL achieve a great life if you LEARN from those experiences/circumstances and grow from them. Just because you don't get the desired outcome dos NOT make you a FAILURE! We ALL need to learn, discern, and apply the feelings felt in a new and productive way that reflects your vision and pathway.

If your feeling defeated and sad on a level 5 then you must resolve and embrace a level 8 attitude and charge to change. Embrace the failed attempts because your success is just ahead!


Is your head in the clouds?


Play in the puddle!