Play in the puddle!

How much fun was it when you were a kid to put on your boots after a rainstorm and splash in the puddles! It was one of the most nostalgic things we did as children because all we saw was water to splash in and laugh.

As an adult do you STILL splash in the puddles? Technically no, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually many of us do. We set our eyes and focus on the bigger bodies of water like lakes, oceans, or seas. I LOVE that we attempt to swallow the elephant with one bite. However, one of the most powerful things you can take with you into your future is a past joy!

Sometimes you just have to splash in the puddle and laugh our ass off regardless of who's watching. Taking yourself too seriously can be an anchor in the water.

Today, put on the boots and jump in the water like a 3-year-old!


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