Mindful Downloads

Did you know that your actions are a direct result of what you first downloaded into your brain. Your thoughts are like soil. It will prepare the environment of that which you will grow.

The issue is that you affirm the soil by thinking all day and all night. You consciously and subconsciously think thoughts, then affirm them by your spoken words or repetition of scenarios in your head. SO, what do you think about and affirm? What type of soil are you preparing.

Thinking positive thoughts helps affirm positive outcomes. Do NOT fall into the trap of affirming what you DON'T want. That just brings more of it to your soil. Rather, speak yourself into good fertile ground by thinking and speaking gratitude. That goes for money, relationships, or careers. Remember, "what you sow, so shall you reap”.


Where did the child go?


What do you hold most dearly?