Zero Talent

One of my mentors in life told me once "I have never met a lazy lucky man". It can't be any more factual than that.

As a multisport athlete who has competed on very high levels including Ironman events, I can tell you that talent alone is NOT the recipe. It takes a mindset and activation of self to endure.

I want to be very candid today with you. I KNOW some of you who read this are in a good place. GREAT! I KNOW some of you who read this are NOT! GREAT! The reason I say "GREAT" is the fact you now can identify WHY you are where you are in most cases. Talent alone can only get you so far. IF you want to endure and elevate you need to look at "NON" talent activities and implement them in everything you do. Today is Hump Day (Wednesday). It's time to get over the hump. Please look at the chart. Regardless of where you are, grab ahold of these and resolve to FIGHT. Drop a comment as to what you are struggling with or succeeding with. As always, feel your blessings today and KNOW you are gifted!


Time or Money?


It’s ALL in your hands