It’s ALL in your hands

There is always a debate about learning from your past so you can create a better future. As much as that sounds nice, it lacks in its application. Why? Because people by nature when they look in their past, STAY in their past. They immerse themselves in past situations, people, and experiences and they are never able to effectively let it go.

Focusing on the future is important and can be helpful. However, directing your intentions and focus on TODAY will create your future. The past is gone for a reason. The future has not yet happened. Your future in now, today, this very second you are reading this. Since the future has not yet happened you must focus your time and effort on creating it now! Without the energy and focus to create your future it will be undefined. YOU have the power right now to dictate your flow, position, and advancement.

The past is in your head, but your future is in your hands!!!


Zero Talent
